Hi! Welcome to my web site! UPDATED 7/1/2013. FOR SALE section has been updated! Look around, enjoy my silly captions,
and most importantly, have fun! If you are interested in ANY items, even if it does not have a price PLEASE email me!! Don't forget, you can always bookmark this site by pressing Ctrl + D! If you'd like
me to link to your site, Please e-mail me with your site address. After taking a look, I will exchange links w/ you!
I have a special page dedicated to cels that are up for sale. If you see a cel on one of my collection pages that you must
have, you may e-mail me with a Reasonable offer. If I accept your offer, I will let you know. Please don't be upset if I don't
accept your offer. I've put a lot of time & money into my collection, and there are some I'm reluctant to part with!